Better Water Physics

Adds much desired water physics like splashes upon jumping in, and underwater ambience.

Environment / Weather Player Effects / Power Ups

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How do I install this?

UPDATE: This mod is compatible with multiplayer.

This simple mod adds something long missing from the base Minetest game; water improvement. This mod adds splash particles and sounds when jumping into the water, and underwater ambience when submerged.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • A couple of issues.

    The main problem is that splash_timer, underwater_timer, footstep_timer, first_entry, and entered_water are not per-player. This means that only one person will ever hear underwater sounds if multiple players are underwater (whoever is first in the minetest.get_connected_players() list), and several other similar issues.

    The second "problem" (if you can call it that) is that... it really isn't "physics." I would expect a mod with this name to actually affect how water flows or interacts with things, not just adding some particles and sounds.

    The third (very minor) problem is that it only applies to players, not other objects. For performance reasons, this makes sense, I guess, but still.

  • Plays particles and sounds when jumping into the water

    The sound is a bit too loud for me and plays everytime you cross the water's surface, no matter your speed. I'd recommend replacing it if you plan on using this mod