Download (90 KB)
For Minetest 0.4.16/17 and above

How do I install this?

Want to trade?

These traders can offer several diffrent trades for your customers. It is possible to bundle up to four diffrent stacks for each price and/or payment. There can be diffrent ways to pay - i.e. 50 normal wood, 50 junglewood or 5 iron - whatever payment your customer can afford.

You can pick your trader up and place it somewhere where many customers may pass by. Skin/clothing, size and animation (i.e. sitting, walking, ..) can be configured.



Do you recommend this mod?

  • Very nice interface.

    Yes! I have interacted with one of these on the Your Land server and have to say that an actual shop keeper NPC that can produce items for it's own inventory if it has materials available and causes less lag on the server than other shop interfaces is a brilliant addition .


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